Powering up a dynamic online coaching brand with transformation at its core

Busy lives, big goals

We teamed up with personal trainer, Jamie Edwards, to kickstart his online coaching venture, Transform with JE. Positioning Jamie at the fore, we developed a punchy personal brand that embodies his expertise both visually and tonally, whilst incorporating his initials to forge an iconic monogram that signifies momentum.

After locking in the visual identity, we flexed our expertise in system configuration to develop and deploy a comprehensive infrastructure, including: lead generation, CRM, marketing, and training delivery platforms that leverage automation, freeing Jamie to focus on building his community, guiding his clients toward their goals, and celebrate their achievements.

“From the outset, Hark Studio's deep understanding of my brief and all-encompassing capabilities filled me with confidence. They imagined how my online coaching business would operate and have been instrumental in sourcing and configuring efficient platforms, as well as crafting a powerful visual identity to go with it. I'm thrilled with the results!"

Jamie Edwards

Director / Transform with JE


Transform with JE


July 2024

Scope of work

Visual Identity
Tone of Voice
System Configuration
Motion Design

For Hark Studio

Thomas Moran


Dmitry H

A close-up headshot, featuring Hark Studio’s co-founder, Tom, wearing a dark green jacket in front of a grey backdrop.
A close-up headshot, featuring Hark Studio’s co-founder, Alan, wearing a black jumper in front of a grey backdrop.
A close-up headshot, featuring Hark Studio’s admin manager, Kellie, wearing a black dress in front of a grey backdrop.

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